Reliable high-speed fiber data and internet solutions for business.


Apply for Service

Apply for SME services and solutions.

Apply for Service

SME Broadband Service Application Form

Please complete the form below to submit an SME Broadband service application.

Please note that Radius SME Broadband services are initially available in select buildings in Metro Manila.

Preferred Radius SME Broadband Plan

Company Information

Company Contact Person

Designated Contact Person for Installation

  Same as company contact person

Preferred Service / Solution Activation Schedule

Service Application Documents

Proof of Identification
Primary: SSS, UMID, Passport, Driver’s License, PRC
Secondary: Voter's ID, Postal ID, Company ID, PhilHealth

Proof of Business Establishment
Mayor's Permit, BIR 2316, DTI Reg.

Proof of Billing Address
Meralco Bill, Telecom or Water Bill

Proof of Financial Capacity to Pay
Latest ITR, Bank Certification of P50K ADB

I have read and agree to the terms of the Radius Telecoms, Inc. privacy policy and terms of use.